Model Portfolio Services

BAM provides eight model portfolios that cater for different risk and return profile.

Defensive Mixed Assets

Investment Objective

To provide long term capital growth for investors with a low-risk tolerance.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio has a multi asset approach and will make use of different asset classes to minimise the downside whilst providing an element of upside inline the stated objective.

The Portfolio is managed on a low risk profile, (lower risk than global equities). The managers will employ the full range of actively managed Blenheim funds in the construction and running of the Portfolio with the necessary risk controls to ensure the Portfolio remains in line with it’s stated risk profile. The Portfolio’s exposure to equities will be limited to no more than 25% and the balance will be invested in a blend of other asset classes to maintain the low risk nature of the Portfolio without restricting the potential returns in line with the investment objective.

The Portfolio is suitable for investors who have a low risk tolerance but wish to be able to maintain the real purchasing power of their investment over a medium to long term basis.

  • Launch Date12/2011
  • Synaptic Risk4

Defensive Balanced Mixed Assets

Investment Objective

To provide income and long term capital growth.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio has a multi asset approach and will make use of different asset classes to achieve its objective.

The Portfolio is managed with a moderate level of risk. The managers will employ the full range of actively managed Blenheim funds in the construction and running of the Portfolio with the necessary risk controls to ensure the Portfolio remains in line with its stated risk profile. The Portfolio’s exposure to equities will be limited to no more than 60% and the balance will be invested in a blend of other asset classes to maintain the moderate risk profile nature of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio is suitable for investors who are looking for income and longer term (5 years plus) capital growth, and are prepared to accept a moderate level of risk, which is a higher level than Defensive Mixed assets Portfolio and with the commensurate higher potential return, but lower than Global Equities.

  • Launch Date06/2008
  • Synaptic Risk5

Ethical Opportunities

Investment Objective

To provide capital growth on a total return basis.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio will be fully invested in the Blenheim Ethical Opportunities Fund. This is a multi-asset fund, investing in a range of asset classes which are considered by the managers to be ethical investment choices.

The Portfolio is managed with a cautious to a medium risk tolerance. In addition to the typical risks inherent in any investment, the additional ethical overlay does narrow the investment universe when compared to a normal multi-asset Portfolio, and may have an adverse impact on the performance. The Fund’s exposure to equities will vary between a minimum of 20% and a maximum of 60% with the remaining balance invested in other suitable asset classes for diversification purposes.

The Portfolio is suitable for investors who are looking for capital growth on a long-term basis (5 years plus), and are prepared to accept a cautious to medium level of risk. Eligible investments must:

  • have environmental social or governance (ESG) objectives, accreditation or alignment;
  • align to one or more of the sustainable development goals, as measured by the Investment manager’s assessment;
  • contain a minimum of 70% of the collectives focusing on shares and bonds, and seek to avoid companies that derive revenue from: Human rights abuses, Environmental abuse, Animal testing for cosmetics and armaments.
  • Launch Date12/2015
  • Synaptic Risk5

Balanced Mixed Assets

Investment Objective

To provide capital growth on a total return basis.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio has a multi asset approach and will make use of different asset classes to achieve its objective.

The Portfolio is managed with a balanced level of risk. The managers will employ the full range of actively managed Blenheim funds in the construction and running of the Portfolio with the necessary risk controls to ensure the Portfolio remains in line with its stated risk profile. The Portfolio’s exposure to equities will be limited to no more than 85% and the balance will be invested in a blend of other asset classes to maintain the moderate risk profile nature of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio is suitable for investors who are looking for a combination of income and longer term (5 years plus) capital growth, and are prepared to accept a moderate level of risk, which is a higher level than Defensive Balanced Mixed Assets Portfolio and with the commensurate higher potential return, but lower than Global Equities.

  • Launch Date06/2008
  • Synaptic Risk7

Focused Growth Mixed Assets

Investment Objective

To provide capital growth on a total return basis.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio seeks to achieve long term capital growth by investing in collectives that are primarily equity based and are invested across a range of geographical areas. The focus is on sectors, themes, regions and trends within the markets that offer the best long-term investment opportunity and returns.

The Portfolio is managed with a high-risk tolerance, focused on the long term, consequently contain a high degree of volatility. As a result, it is only suitable for investors with a long-term time horizon (10 years plus) and who have the ability to withstand large fluctuation in the value of their investments in the short to medium term. However, the high volatility is likely to be rewarded with the commensurate high return in the long run.

  • Launch Date06/2008
  • Synaptic Risk8

Ethical Growth

Investment Objective

To provide capital growth on a total return basis.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The portfolio invests wholly in the Blenheim Ethical Growth fund. This is a multi-asset fund, investing in a range of assets which are considered by the managers to be ethical investment choices.

It is managed with a high-risk tolerance, focused on the long term. Consequently, it will contain a high degree of volatility. As a result, it is only suitable for investors with a long-term time horizon (10 years plus) who can withstand large fluctuations in the value of their investments in the short to medium term. However, the high volatility will likely be rewarded with a commensurate high return in the long run.

Exposure to equities is expected to be between 65% and 85% under normal circumstances, although it may range between 40% and 85%.

Eligible investments must:

  • have environmental social or governance (ESG) objectives, accreditation or alignment;
  • align to one or more of the sustainable development goals, as measured by the Investment manager’s assessment;
  • contain a minimum of 70% of the collectives focusing on shares and bonds, and seek to avoid companies that derive revenue from: Human rights abuses, Environmental abuse, Animal testing for cosmetics and armaments.
  • Launch Date12/2015
  • Synaptic Risk8

Global Equity

Investment Objective

To provide capital growth.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio is managed with a high-risk tolerance.

The Portfolio is suitable for investors who are looking for capital growth on a long-term basis (10 years plus), and are prepared to accept a high level of risk, but with the commensurate level of potentially high returns in the long term. However, as a result, investors should also be able to withstand a high level of volatility in the short to medium term.

  • Launch Date10/2024
  • Synaptic Risk9

Global Horizon

Investment Objective

To provide capital growth on a total return basis.

Strategy Risk Profile and Suitability

The Portfolio has a multi asset approach and will make use of different asset classes to achieve its objective.

The Portfolio is managed with a high-risk tolerance. The managers will employ the full range of actively managed funds in the construction and running of the Portfolio with the necessary risk controls to ensure the Portfolio remains in line with its stated risk profile. The Portfolio’s exposure to equities can be as high as 100% however the Portfolio can invest in a blend of other asset classes for diversification purposes, as a direct reflection of the managers’ views of the prevailing market conditions, although it is the manager’s belief that equity-based investments are the most suitable asset class for this Portfolio.

The Portfolio is suitable for investors who are looking for capital growth on a long-term basis (15 years plus), and are prepared to accept a high level of risk, but with the commensurate level of potentially high returns in the long term. However, as a result, investors should also be able to withstand a high level of volatility in the short to medium term.

  • Launch Date06/2018
  • Synaptic Risk9